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Version: 5.3.2


Generate a random mnemonic (total number 12) and using TRON path "m/44'/195'" by default, return the 0th account address and private key.




ParameterDescriptionData Type
optionsOptional parameter with three fields: { path: 'BIP44 path', extraEntropy: 'entropy', locale: 'the locale' }Object


Object - Returns randomly created account information, including mnemonic, public key, and private key. If the entered BIP44 path does not start with m/44'/195', throw an exception - Error: Invalid tron path provided.


Get a mnemonic and the 0th account:

> TronWeb.createRandom();
> {
    'mnemonic': {
      'phrase': 'chimney cloth deny claim play rude love dose apart shove rack stone',
      'path': "m/44'/195'/0'/0/0",
      'locale': 'en'
    'privateKey': '0x79092289f3bfde55f079202e3642b2c4ba071d5f0b85d65b1919c8724e94848c',
    'address': 'TEFAyPnainfiAJBuhExfMLJeHHxD2DZJmF'

If you want to get an account with the custom path index, you can provide the path.

> TronWeb.createRandom({path: "m/44'/195'/1'/0/0"});
> {
    "mnemonic": {
        "phrase": "mixture load skull render can lamp off primary hill right first question",
        "path": "m/44'/195'/1'/0/0",
        "locale": "en"
    "privateKey": "0xd53b52088c7baf60b2c9c83a51bc543df59a8f5b209d6f8c6b65908dfb338bbd",
    "publicKey": "0x046e81fd824046b3b03d90e4249c14ffedcb40210743c52ba68e2e3b62250c9370b449e88966acb28bde3ab751afa119c91186d5bd9a250f9b43e32486108b72a7",
    "address": "THwRMnsVjeXfC4sbvLpFknTEjaNisvYnQy"